Http Cmsri Org Content Uploads 2017 Mawson Study Health Outcomes

Run across also: Vermont Vaccine Consumer Experiences @https://world wide

  • Mawson AR (2017): Preterm birth, vaccination and neurodevelopment disorders: a cross-exclusive study of vi- to 12-year-old vaccinated and unvaccinated children. – J Transl Sci, 2017
  • Mawson AR (2017): Pilot comparative study on the health of vaccinated and unvaccinated 6- to 12-twelvemonth-former U.South. children. – J Transl Sci, 2017

Dr. Anthony Mawson recently published the results of a parent survey comparing the wellness outcomes of 261 unvaccinated children with 405 partially or fully vaccinated children. Mawson's findings were shared with Vermont lawmakers on Jan 18. They are consistent with what we hear oftentimes from parents.

Dr. Mawson's analysis of parent data reveal that:

– The odds of ear infection were about four fold higher amidst their vaccinated children
– The odds of pneumonia were significantly higher among the vaccinated children
– The odds of chicken pox and whooping cough were higher in the unvaccinated children as compared to the vaccinated children
– The odds of ear tube placement were eight-fold higher than their unvaccinated children

– The vaccinated children were also significantly more likely than the unvaccinated children to have been diagnosed with the following
(% in vaccinated vs % in unvaccinated):

  • allergic rhinitis (hay fever)- (10.4% vs. 0.iv%)
  • other allergies- (22.2% vs. 6.nine%)
  • eczema/atopic dermatitis- (9.5% vs. 3.6%)
  • a learning disability- (5.7% vs. i.ii%)
  • ADHD- (4.7% vs. i.0%)
  • autism spectrum disorder- (four.7% vs. i.0%)
  • any neurodevelopmental disorder- (i.e., learning disability, ADHD or ASD) (x.5% vs.
  • any chronic illness- (44.0% vs. 25.0%)

– The vaccinated children were also more than likely to have increased healthcare utilization – to have had ear tubes placed; to have used antibiotics, to have used allergy and fever medications; to have visited a doctor for a wellness issue in the previous year, and to take been hospitalized.

Since Mawson's data were published last spring, there have been virtually-hysterical calls by certain individuals for the retraction of Dr. Mawson's published results, even fake rumors that the published data take been retracted.

For those vaccinated and subsequently compensated in vaccine court  – their health outcomes were not optimal, obviously.

And so there is : Cancer risk associated with simian virus 40 contaminated polio vaccine. (Fisher SG1, Weber L, Carbone M, Anticancer Res. 1999 May-Jun;xix(3B):2173-80.) "Our assay indicates increased rates of ependymomas (37%), osteogenic sarcomas (26%), other os tumors (34%) and mesothelioma (90%) among those in the exposed equally compared to the unexposed nascence cohort." CONCLUSIONS: "These information advise that there may be an increased incidence of certain cancers amongst the 98 1000000 persons exposed to contaminated polio vaccine in the U.S.; further investigations are clearly justified."

Chronic Disease on the Rise

According to Barbara Loe Fisher of the National Vaccine Information Center:

i highly vaccinated kid in 45 develops autism in America today;24 ane in half-dozen has learning disabilities; 25 1 in 9 has asthma;26 ane in 10 has ADHD;27 ane in 12 suffers with depression;28 , 29 one in 400 get diabeticthirty and millions more struggle with other kinds of immune and brain disorders marked past chronic inflammation in the brain and body.31 , 32, 33, 34


24 Zabolotsky B, Blackness LI et al. Estimated Prevalence of Autism and Other Developmental Disabilities Following Questionnaire Changes in the 2014 National Health Interview Survey . CDC National Health Statistics Reports Nov. thirteen, 2015.

25 Boyle CA, Boulet S et al. Trends in the Prevalence of Developmental Disabilities in Usa Children 1997-2000. Pediatrics May 23, 2011.

26 Stoner Am, Anderson SE, Buckley JJ. Ambience Air Toxics and Asthma Prevalence among a Representative Sample of United states Kindergarten-Historic period Children. PLOS One 2013; 8(9).

27 Kounang N.ADHD diagnoses rise to 11% of kids. CNN Nov.22, 2013

28 Substance Abuse and Mental Wellness Services Administration. Survey reveals adolescent females are twice every bit likely equally adolescent males to suffer a major depressive episode . SAMHSA May 13, 2008.

29 National Brotherhood on Mental Affliction. Anxiety Disorders in Children and Adolescents. May 2014.

thirty American Diabetes Association.U.S. Diabetes Statistics: Under 20 Years of Age. American Diabetes Association February. 12, 2014.

31 Zimm A. Chronic Illnesses on ascent, written report says: Children'south cases in U.S. quadruple . Bloomberg News June 27, 2007.

32 American Autoimmune Related Diseases Association. Growing Number of Autoimmune Disease Cases Reported . AARDA Press Release June 21, 2012.

33 Jackson KD, Howie LD, Akinabami LJ. Trends in Allergic Weather condition Among Children: United States, 1997-2011 . NCHS Data brief May 2013; 121.

34 Silverberg JI, Joks R, Durkin HG. Allergic illness is associated with epilepsy in childhood: a population based study . Allergy 2014; 69(10: 1428.

Note: In response to correspondence from a reader, t his page was edited on 2/eight/2015. Two r eferences to broken links (at present showing as "suspended page") were removed. And, since the sample size of 94 compared to some other sample size of over 13,000 cannot provide reliable data, we have removed commentary on the rate of infections and atopy in certain age groups.

The following is taken in part from Public Testimony of Dr. Heather Rice at the Vermont Department of Health hearing on Human action 157, ten/19/2012:

No true prospective, randomized and controlled report of health outcomes of vaccinated people versus unvaccinated has e'er been conducted in the U.Due south. by CDC or any other bureau in the 50 years or more than of an accelerating schedule of vaccinations.

Notwithstanding, a German written report published in 2011 compared the health outcomes of 94 unvaccinated children versus xiii,359 vaccinated children (Dtsch Arztebl Int. 2011 February; 108(seven): 99–104."Vaccination Status and Health in Children and Adolescents; Findings of the German Health Interview and Examination Survey for Children and Adolescents (KiGGS)." (pdf of article – reply#1 – reply#ii – reply#iii ). Because the number of unvaccinated children included in the analysis is so small, statistical evaluation is virtually incommunicable.

Dtsch Arztebl Int. 2011 Feb;108(7):99-104. doi: ten.3238/arztebl.2011.0099. Epub 2011 Feb eighteen.

Vaccination status and health in children and adolescents: findings of the German Health Interview and Exam Survey for Children and Adolescents (KiGGS).

Schmitz Rone, Poethko-Müller C, Reiter Due south, Schlaud M.

Author information



Whether unvaccinated children and adolescents differ from those vaccinated in terms of health is field of study to some give-and-take.


Nosotros evaluated data on diseases that are preventable past vaccination, infectious and atopic diseases, and vaccinations received that had been nerveless between 2003 and 2006 in a representative sample of 17 641 subjects aged 0 to 17 years in the framework of the High german Health Interview and Test Survey for Children and Adolescents (Kinder- und Jugendgesundheitssurvey, KiGGS).


Evaluable data on vaccinations were available for 13 453 subjects anile i-17 years from non-immigrant families. 0.7% of them (95% confidence interval: 0.v%-0.9%) were not vaccinated. The lifetime prevalence of diseases preventable by vaccination was markedly college in unvaccinated than in vaccinated subjects. Unvaccinated children anile i-v years had a median number of 3.3 (2.i-four.6) infectious diseases in the past year, compared to four.ii (four.ane-four.iv) in vaccinated children. Amid 11- to 17-year-olds, the corresponding figures were i.ix (1.0-2.viii) (unvaccinated) versus ii.ii (two.1-ii.three) (vaccinated). The lifetime prevalence of at least 1 atopic disease among i- to 5-year-olds was 12.half-dozen% (5.0%-28.3%) in unvaccinated children and fifteen.0% (13.6%-16.4%) in vaccinated children. In older children, atopy was more than common, but its prevalence was non constitute to depend on vaccination status: among vi- to ten-year-olds, the prevalence figures were 30.1% (12.ix%-55.8%) for unvaccinated children versus 24.iv% (22.8%-26.0%) for vaccinated children, and the corresponding figures for eleven- to 17-yr-olds were 20.3% (10.1%-36.6%) versus 29.9% (28.4%-31.five%).


The prevalence of allergic diseases and non-specific infections in children and adolescents was non found to depend on vaccination status.

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KIGGS_Fig2This study was based on data collected during the German Wellness Interview and Examination Survey for Children and Adolescents (KiGGS) and was conducted from May 2003 to May 2006 by the Robert Koch Institute. The objective of the interview and test survey was to collect representative data on the health condition of children and adolescents aged up to 17 years. In total, 17 641 children and adolescents (8656 girls, 8985 boys) and their parents participated in the study just merely 13,453 (76%) were included in the presented, published analysis.

Additionally, there is an ongoing survey in Germany with currently 12,583 participants and the results of this survey evidence that unvaccinated children are far less affected by common diseases than vaccinated children.The results are presented in the bar nautical chart below and complete data and survey results are linked here. The data is compared to the national High german KIGGS health study of the children in the general population. Nigh of the respondents to the survey were from the U.South.A.comparison vaccinated-unvaccinatedThe data was collected from parents with vaccine-gratuitous children via an internet questionnaire by and Andreas Bachmair, a German classical homeopathic practitioner. The independent study is self-funded and is not sponsored past a large "credible" not-profit or regime health organization with political and financial conflicts of interest; hence Bachmair relies on Google ads and donations for revenue. Each one of the studied cases are actual cases with medical documentation.Three other studies had similar results according to Bachmair and are reported beneath.

Salzburger Study

Results: of 1004 unvaccinated children, had

Asthma, 0% (8-12% in the normal population)

A-topic dermatitis i.2% (x-20% in the normal population)

Allergies three% (25% in the normal population)

ADHD 0.79% (5-x%) in children

Longterm Study in Guinea-Bissau (1 Kristensen I, Aaby P, Jensen H.:"Routine vaccinations and kid survival: follow up study in Guinea-Bissau, West Africa", BMJ 2000; 321: 1435–41)

The children of 15,000 mothers were observed from 1990 to 1996 for 5 years.

Result: the death charge per unit in vaccinated children confronting diphtheria, tetanus and whooping cough is twice every bit high every bit the unvaccinated children (10.five% versus 4.7%).

New Zealand Survey (1992) (

The study involved 254 children. In which 133 children were vaccinated and 121 remained unvaccinated.






twenty (xv%)

4 (3%)

Eczema or allergic rashes

43 (32%)

16 (13%)

Chronic otitis

26 (20%)

eight (seven%)

Recurrent tonsillitis

11 (8%)

3 (ii%)

Shortness of jiff and sudden infant death syndrome

nine (7%)

ii (2%)


ten (viii%)

i (1%)

Another study by the Sectionalisation of Pediatric Infectious Diseases, Academy of Louisville School of Medicine, Louisville, Kentucky used information from a previous Vaccine Safety Datalink report of thimerosal exposure looking at 42 neuropsychological outcomes and ran it through multivariable regression models which were specifically constructed to assess the impact of "timeliness" of vaccination (receipt inside 30 days of recommended age) on neuropsychological outcomes after aligning for potential confounders. The authors, Smith and Wood, controlled for cumulative ethylmercury exposure, without providing any explanation – even though ethylmercury would have been associated with receipt of 3 of the iv vaccines in the analysis (hepatitis B, DPT and Hib). The authors ended that, "timely vaccination during infancy has no adverse effect on neuropsychological outcomes 7 to 10 years afterward." (link to article – link to reply letters)

Further Reading:

New Zealand Survey

Children vaccinated with DPT or MMR had 14 times more than asthma and 9.4 times more eczema than non-vaccinated children.McKeever TM, Lewis SA, Smith C. Does vaccination increase the risk of developing allergic illness?: A birth cohort written report. Winter Abstract supplement to Thorax. 2002;57: Supplement 3.

The death rate in vaccinated children against diphtheria, tetanus and whooping cough was twice equally high as the non-vaccinated children (10.5% versus 4.7%).Kristensen I, Aaby P, Jensen H. Routine vaccinations and child survival: follow up study in Republic of guinea-bissau, W Africa. British Medical Journal. 2000;321:1435-1441

The Nederlandse Vereniging Kritisch Prikken(Dutch Association for Conscientious Vaccination, The Netherlands) compared the wellness of vaccinated and not-vaccinated children using various categories (sickly, eczema, asthma/chronic lung disease, allergies, aggressive behavior, sleeping difficulty, ear infections, inflammation of the throat, convulsions/collapse, need for antibiotics) and in every category the non-vaccinated children's parents reported a fraction of the incidence of these events than those of vaccinated children.

In a governmental hearing Philip Incao, Medico reported what many other MDs accept stated:

"In my medical career I've treated vaccinated and unvaccinated children and the unvaccinated children are far healthier than the vaccinated ones."

You may wish to explore the "studies comparing vaccinated and unvaccinated populations" put forth by those promoting vaccination, so we have linked to them, below. Please have the fourth dimension to read these and tell us what you call back of the quality of the research:

  • German report used by vaccine promoters to claim there is "lower rates of asthma amid the vaccinated" http://world wide
  • Philippine written report used by vaccine promoters to merits there are "cognitive benefits from vaccines"
  • "Studies" used by vaccine promoters to claim that "pregnant women who are vaccinated have improve birth outcomes compared to not-vaccinated mothers:
    • http://world wide
    • http://world wide
  •  2013 "meta-analysis" used by vaccine promoters to merits that "flu vaccine may lower the chance of heart attack"
  • "Study" used by vaccine promoters to claim that "vaccinated people are protected from the most serious effects of flu":

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