Raiders of the Lost Art Season 2 Episode 11

(Pocket-lint) - Every Indiana Jones picture is on Paramount+, so it's a great time to take hold of up with your favorite bullwhip-toting, fedora-donning archaeologist. Especially since there's a new movie due out in 2023, with Harrison Ford set up to return equally Indy and Chris Pratt as a costar.

The Indiana Jones moving picture series consists of four movies. Steven Spielberg directed every installment, with Star Wars creator George Lucas at his side helping write them. However, ane choice by these two caused a timeline break in the story, so the events in the films don't chronologically line upward if you lot watch them past order of release. The second film in the series is technically a prequel to the outset film.

To help yous make sense of Indiana Jones, we put all the films in chronological order. Now, you can hands watch Indiana's adventures as they happened. Nosotros even included The Young Indiana Jones Chronicles Telly series in our order, and we discussed hereafter Indiana Jones films.

Indiana Jones in chronological society

A spoiler-free, bulleted list version of this guide is at the bottom. In that location's even a theatrical release date club for those of you interested.


Lucasfilm ltd./Paramount

What is the best order to watch the Indiana Jones movies and TV show image 1

Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom (1984)


Director Steven Spielberg set out to make a sequel to 1981's Indiana Jones and The Raiders of the Lost Ark, merely he didn't want Nazis as the main villains over again, and then he decided to set up the 2nd movie before the events of the beginning film. In other words, this is a prequel.

It begins in 1935, with Indiana Jones (Harrison Ford) in Shanghai before a quick escape sees him flying over the Himalayas with his sidekick Short Round (Jonathan Ke Quan) and a nightclub singer named Willie Scott (Kate Capshaw). When the plane crashes, the trio finds themselves in a poor Indian village that had a sacred stone stolen from them along with all their children.

Information technology's up to Indy to effigy out what'due south really happening.

Lucasfilm ltd./Paramount

What is the best order to watch the Indiana Jones movies and TV show image 1

Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981)


Originally released as Raiders of the Lost Ark, the starting time Indiana Jones flick was later marketed equally Indiana Jones and The Raiders of the Lost Ark. Information technology sees Indiana Jones, again played by Harrison Ford, on a race against the Nazis to notice the Ark of the Covenant, a sacred religious artifact that the Nazis believe has the power to make them unstoppable.

Set in 1936, Indiana Jones is informed that Nazis are looking for his old mentor, Abner Ravenwood, who has information they need to find the Ark. Indy begins his search by finding Abner's daughter, Marion (Karen Allen), in Nepal - and, together, the two begin a world-crossing search for the Ark of the Covenant.

Lucasfilm ltd./Paramount

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Indiana Jones and the Terminal Crusade (1989)


Set in 1938, Indiana Jones (Harrison Ford) learns that his begetter, Henry Jones (Sean Connery) disappeared while looking for the Holy Grail, which Jesus supposedly drank from at the terminal supper. Indy receives his father's journal about the loving cup in the mail, postmarked from Venice. With his colleague, Marcus Brody (Denholm Elliot), he tries to find his father and the Holy Grail.

Lucasfilm ltd./Paramount

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Indiana Jones and The Kingdom of the Crystal Skull (2008)


Nigh 20 years later the events of The Last Crusade, Indiana Jones (Harrison Ford) is captured by Soviet agents led by Irina Spalko (Cate Blanchett), who force him to search through a secret U.s. warehouse for a mummified corpse.

Jones escapes, but he's caught up in the cherry-red scare of the late 50s and is suspended from his chore at Marshall College. He'southward so approached by Mutt Williams (Shia LeBeouf), who tells him about how another archaeologist, Harold Oxley (John Hurt), discovered a crystal skull in Republic of peru and and so disappeared. It's linked to the Soviets who captured him, and so naturally, Jones investigates with Mutt.

Lucasfilm ltd./Paramount Television

What is the best order to watch the Indiana Jones movies and TV show image 1

The Immature Indiana Jones Chronicles (1992 to 1996)

Y'all would figure this TV series based on the adventures of a young Indiana Jones would be put first chronologically, only the show actually takes place in the 90s, with an elderly Indiana (George Hall) beginning each episode by reminiscing of an gamble from his youth.

The episode then flashes back to tell the story.

The show bounces around, depending on the episode, with some featuring a child Indy (Corey Carrier) and others featuring a teenage Indy (Sean Patrick Flannery). About of the episodes involve Jones coming together a famous historical effigy, such every bit Theodore Roosevelt, Leo Tolstoy, or Charles De Gaulle. The series consists of 28 episodes over two seasons, also as four fabricated-for-Idiot box films. Harrison Ford even appears in one episode (Young Indiana Jones and the Mystery of the Blues) every bit Indiana Jones.

Here's a YouTube playlist with all of the episodes ordered chronologically.

Lucasfilm ltd./Paramount

What is the best order to watch the Indiana Jones movies and TV show image 1

Indiana Jones 5 (Due in 2023 - not notwithstanding available)

A fifth, untitled Indiana Jones film has a tentative release date set for 30 June 2023.

This volition be the first installment that won't be directed past Steven Spielberg. Ford v Ferrari director James Mangold is set to replace him. Harrison Ford will grit off his fedora once more, even so. Rumours point to the film being fix in the 60s, so Ford and Jones would exist the same age. Chris Pratt has also been attached equally the new heir apparent for Indiana Jones.

Spoiler-free version: Indiana Jones timeline at a glance

This is a version of the guide above, merely free of spoilers.

  • Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom (1984)
  • Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981)
  • Indiana Jones and the Last Cause (1989)
  • Indiana Jones and The Kingdom of the Crystal Skull (2008)
  • TV series: The Young Indiana Jones Chronicles (1992 to 1996)
  • Indiana Jones v (Due in 2023 - not yet available)

Indiana Jones release date order

Here's a spoiler-gratuitous listing ordered past when the films premiered:

  • Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981)
  • Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom (1984)
  • Indiana Jones and the Final Crusade (1989)
  • TV series: The Young Indiana Jones Chronicles (1992 to 1996)
  • Indiana Jones and The Kingdom of the Crystal Skull (2008)
  • Indiana Jones 5 (Due in 2023 - non yet available)

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Writing by Maggie Tillman.


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